FBI Used New Cellebrite Software to Access Trump Shooter’s Phone – Bloomberg

The FBI was given access to unreleased technology to access the phone of the man identified as the shooter of former President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the investigation. As the FBI struggled to gain access on Sunday morning to the phone, they appealed directly to Cellebrite, a digital intelligence company founded in Israel that…

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Ex-UM privacy chief lifts lid: Google has ‘captured’ trade associations and holdcos, personalisation-precision a ‘fallacy’ based on ‘garbage’ data reaching ‘fake people’ | Mi3

Former UM privacy chief Arielle Garcia knows the $700bn global digital ad industry is founded on trading “useless, garbage data” because a) she spent a decade in media ops and compliance and b) she’s accessed her own profile from adtech vendors. The result? 500 laughably contradictory audience segments where she is simultaneously woman and man,…

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Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich—They’re Barely Getting By

Many people dream of becoming social-media stars like YouTube’s MrBeast or TikTok’s Charli D’Amelio. But for most who pursue careers as content creators, just making ends meet is a lofty goal. Clint Brantley has been a full-time creator for three years, posting videos on TikTok, YouTube and Twitch where he comments on news and trends related to…

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How to Build a Small Solar Power System | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE

https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2023/12/how-to-build-a-small-solar-power-system/ Image: a solar panel with charge controller and lead-acid battery. Photo by Marie Verdeil. View original image View dithered image Readers have told me they like to build small-scale photovoltaic installations like those that power Low-tech Magazine’s website and office. However, they don’t know where to start and what components to buy. This guide…

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Shadier Than Forbes? Premium Publishers Are Partnering With Content Farms To Make A Quick Programmatic Buck | AdExchanger

“Uncovering Earth’s Secrets: A Journey Into Its Deepest Hole” That’s the title of a made-for-arbitrage (MFA) article about a failed Soviet-era scientific expedition to drill a hole tens of thousands of feet into the Earth’s crust. But it could easily double as a headline for the latest ad tech exposé. The story referenced above appears…

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