Trump Picks Climate Denier to Head Climate Security Committee

Photo: Marc Piscotty/Getty Another day under the Trump administration, another sociopathic idiot vaulted into the halls of power. This time, it’s William Happer, a National Security Council senior director, who Trump has tapped to chair a Presidential Committee on Climate Security, according to Vox. Great! Happer is a well-known climate change denier with some far-out…

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Possible Trump Science Advisor Compares Climate Science to ISIS, Tells Us Jezebel ‘Is Well Named’ 

Dr. William Happer, a retired Princeton physicist and trusted Breitbart expert, met with then president-elect Donald Trump in early January, reportedly to discuss the role of science advisor; he told The Guardian last month that if offered the post he would accept it. On inauguration day, in a colorful demonstration of his personal brand of…

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