Tommy Wiseau’s Amazing Joker Audition Proves He’s the Only One for the Role – VICE

Oh hai, Batman. Last month, Variety reported that Hangover director Todd Phillips was in talks with Joaquin Phoenix to star in the stand-alone Joker origin film—a compelling choice to play the Batman villain who could probably give the character a depth we haven’t seen since Heath Ledger. But following Variety‘s announcement, another actor unexpectedly threw…

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Here’s Why Alfred Calls Bruce Wayne “Master Bruce”

We know that Alfred calling his employer, surrogate son, and the recipient of his wisdom, “Master Bruce,” is incredibly old-fashioned. But what did the term “Master” mean, before it became obsolete? Master comes from the term maegester, meaning “one having control or authority.” So, in the beginning, “master” pretty much meant “boss.” Over time, though,…

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